Friday, November 14, 2008

Women in Poker

I was playing NL online last night with two female poker players, they were talking about life in general, then suddenly the other other lady shared that she is breast feeding while playing. I was cool with that but not this kid who said, "Yuck, that's disgusting, we didn't need to know that". these two female players became Angry Vaginas alternately berating the kid until the poor kid left, I just kept quite which is unusual, I normally like to take part on these kind of situations.

Lots of good female poker players, Did you that Barbara Enright is the first female poker player who've reach the final table of the WSOP ME? Jennifer Tilly is not bad either, tiffany Michelle is the latest success story, she finished 17th on the last WSOP ME. KAthy Liebert is also an excellent poker player but many believes she's not a woman, apparently she's hanged like a horse.

Vagina plays a big part in mainstream poker, you see Vaginas during the money presentation, Vaginas also interviews poker players, a certain Vagina named Phillida HEllmuth also said that she can dodge bullet, baby.

Speaking of babies, Did yall know that not only did Chuck Norris punched his way out of his mother's womb, he also reached out for the scissor and cut his own umbilical cord?, now you know.

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