Friday, December 26, 2008

Ms.Click just loves to make out with me

I'm so bummed about my major flaw on my online poker game, and that is misclicks, yup I kept experiencing misclicks. I was the chip leader of a 4000 MTT and 200 people left, I mistakenly called an all in bet my another player who's chip is almost as big as mine and I lost it, he had KK and I had J4 offsuit, darn.

Then it happened again I was playing PLO and I didn't mean to call the bet of the other player and that cost me $40, that is what I can only remember, it just happens a lot to me, I dont know what to do. I only remember one time I won a misclick, I had 25 offsuit and the other guy had Aces, he flopped an Ace for his trips but I rivered him with my wheel straight, I won $27 there.

Hey guys, how do you limit your misclicks?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stop watching porn while playing poker..... heheh
