Monday, April 27, 2009

The Swine Flu Pandemic

Wow, this is not good, this Swine flu is spreading like Britney Spears legs, so many people died and more are infected every hour. According to studies, swine flu came from a person who were up close and personal with his pig, maybe he did the nasty thang with his pet pig and that's how it all got started.

Mexico just cant catch a break, after apologizing for the movie Beverly Hills Chihuahua now this pandemic happens, it really sucks for them but I'm sure they can contain these cases, they are known to be Mexicans and not Mexican'ts.

Anyway, last time I had a flu was when I opened an account with Absolute poker, I can describe the bad feelings I had when suffering from a flu from these 3 scenarios,

-its like getting bad beats for a week.
-its like being a sex slave of Kathy Liebert for a week.
-its like getting touch inappropriately by Amarillo Slim for a week.

I know this is kinda lame and in poor taste but I'm doing this to put a smile on everybody's face much like when the Southpark peeps said that Canada already apologized for Celine Dion and Bryan Adams.

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