Friday, July 30, 2010

Got Donkey Milk?

Asses’ milk or donkey’s milk is the milk given by the female ass or donkey. It has been used since Egyptian antiquity for both alimentary and cosmetic reasons.

Donkey milk is considered to be the closest to woman’s milk.[1][3] It is very nourishing because it contains more lactose and less fat than cow’s milk.[1] It was used until the beginning of the twentieth century as a substitute to breast milk.[5] The 1928 testimony of Dr. Charles Porcher (1872-1933) of the Lyon National Veterinary Institution showed that the practice was still used, to a lesser extent, in the interwar years:

It seems that we are getting back to asses’ milk to raise children in the earliest infancy, notably when the child is of delicate health. Asses’ milk has not been quite totally abandoned, but if 25 or 30 years ago, a few well looked-after asses were easily found in the city to provide milk nourishing young babies, it is no longer the case today.[6]
More recently, studies have shown that that asses’ milk could serve as an alternative to cow’s milk for children allergic to bovine proteins.[4][7]

I think this milk will make me younger and good at Pokahhh, wooooohoooo, I just ordered 3 boxes online.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rush Strategy

I just learned that I lose less when I play a max of two Rush tables, so I'll stick to that.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fulltilt Achievement BAdges

Your Fulltilt avatar now has four badges around it, Everybody has a T on the bottom left corner but mine is F, and everytime i put the pointer on it, it says, "Fish, Fish, Fish, you are a Fish and we are letting everybody know".
F*ck You Fulltilt! !!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Peter Eastgate Won 9 Million and Quitting Poker

If i win 9 million, i will continue playing at a micro level in Manila or Thailand, i will grind the 10 NL and smile everytime i get bad beat, probably visit Metro Card Club once a month.

My other passion is french vanilla ice cream, better than sex baby, f*ck hot women, i dont need them, I wont even visit the massage parlors to get a quickie, I dont enjoy sex at all and I have reluctantly f*ck so many hot women in the past.